Adele's 'Hello' & how I haven't stopped crying since its release - Amazing Indonesia


Wednesday 28 October 2015

Adele's 'Hello' & how I haven't stopped crying since its release

You guys. It's been nearly a week and I haven't stopped listening to Adele's new single... much to my coworkers' dismay. It's so good. You've heard it, right? And you've seen the video, right? RIGHT? Here. I'll wait.

I told you so!

So not only are her cheekbones, voice and eyeliner perfection, but she absolutely kills it in interviews, too. Oh, Adele. You're too good to us.

Maybe I also love her because we're nearly the same age and her songs are about life stages we went through around the same time? Maybe I'm reaching here, but naja.

She slayed me with this. (I want to print it off and tape it all over my apartment as inspiration.)

Adele also blessed us with this recent interview in i-D magazine. It's definitely worth a read. Here's a part that especially stood out to me.
When she was ready to start work on the record, Adele walked down to the local shop ("I do actually walk," she says, laughing) and bought herself a brand new notebook. "I do it every album. I buy a new pad, sniff it - 'cause smell is important - and then I get a big, fat sharpie and write my age on the front page. 25 has five exclamation marks after it 'cause I was like, 'How the fuck did that happen?!' 21 to 25." The record is about getting older and becoming nostalgic, she says. It's about what was, what is, what might have been. It's about missing things that you had no idea were so precious, like being 18-years-old and drinking two litre bottles of cider in Brockwell Park with your mates. "Those were the most real and best moments of my life and I wish I'd known that I wasn't going to be able to sit in the park and drink a bottle of cider again." Not because she's famous, but because her life - and the lives of her school friends - has moved on. No one is a teenager anymore. "I think the album is about trying to clear out the past," she says slowly. 
And woo boy, that's exactly what I'm trying to do right now. Kon Mari Methoding my past. 
Less than a month until we're graced with her entire. new. album. I'm dying over here! 

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