today I'm feeling..... - Amazing Indonesia


Tuesday 22 September 2015

today I'm feeling.....

Baby girl vibes.

And if you're indeed a girl in my belly, a little message to you sweet angel.
May you always walk with sun on your shoulders. May you find courage and respect to stand up for what's right. I pray you know all about yourself before you ever look for a mate, knowing who you are from your deep soul to the color of your eyes. I hope you never get your heart too broken, only a little because when you do, it's then you will realize what love means and how to love even deeper. I pray you find strength from watching your big brother Luca be a hilarious, smart, loving and gentle creature to all he comes across. And when you watch him, I hope you see me and your dad and smile quietly to yourself knowing all the quirks and insanity that come along with family life, that only you, as a family member, would know. I hope those quirks make you smile and stronger and help you find your way in the world, the world in which you travel endlessly. With a backpack, a camera, a journal and your eyes wide open. May you find love daily, in the cracks of sidewalks. In the lines of people's faces as you speak to them. In the boys who chase you. In the clothes you wear and the jewelry you steal from my closet. I pray you love life. Really love. And when you aren't happy, have the strength to change what's hurting you. Never settle sweet girl. Never let anyone overtake you. Let the boys open doors for you, but never be upset when they don't. Let them compliment you, compliment them back. Make people smile. Make them love the world a bit more because of your light. Let them know you care, but don't rely on them to make your soul full. Find that from knowing who you are and that you are loved and you've been loved from the moment your soul reached mine.
I love you and I will love you no matter what. And I promise to never dress you in awful dresses and tacky bows.

To you, little star, I can't wait to show you the world. One day at a time.

Light, love and peace and so much health.

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