Popping in real quick... - Amazing Indonesia


Thursday 11 December 2014

Popping in real quick...

Hi dear readers!

I hope you've had a wonderful start to Advent so far... I have been incredibly busy lately with my new job and getting used my new groove in Hamburg. (Read: finding out how to make it to the grocery stores after work before they close at 8 p.m...)

But things are good. Really good. 

For the first time in who knows how long, I am really, really proud of myself. And feel challenged. And am excited to get up in the morning. Oh, how much can change for the wonderful in just a short amount of time.

As for this space, I have no plans of giving it up anytime soon. I just seem to be lost in a sea of chaos at the moment (but the good kind of chaos, the best kind of chaos).

So for those who keep checking in, thank you. I'm working on a few posts for you, and in the meantime, had to share this beautiful comic by Lucy Knisely my friend Mackenzie showed me.

It gives me hope. Truly.

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