nearer you. - Amazing Indonesia


Saturday 13 August 2011

nearer you.

[Kansas, August 2010.]

most days, it's the littlest of things that make me miss home. 
a good 'ole summertime thunderstorm. ice cubes. small talk in line at the grocery store. rapping in my car. "that's what she said" jokes.

but sometimes, like today, skype just doesn't cut it.
i want to sit on the patio with my friends & complain about the heat together. i want to swim with my nieces & nephews & scoop them when we have to run across that darn hot cement. i want to snuggle my very favorite poodle.  i want to laugh with my siblings, even if it's at my own expense. i want to eat bar-b-que with my parents & catch them up on all of the adventures i've been dying to tell them in person.

but really, i miss all of those things everyday. 
(oh! and SYRUP drizzled on eggo waffles...)

and that's okay. 

because a year isn't so long & it'll make home that much sweeter.

& after all, i'm going to miss a whole lot about this place, too.

a whole lot.

The years went by and never knew
That each one brought me nearer you

-The Years, Sara Teasdale 

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