A shiny golden chain with a black ribbon through it catches my eye from meters away. I hurry through the crowd and carefully grab the little chain, what appears to be a watch out of an old tin jewellerybox. The watch feels heavyer and is more beautiful than I had ever expected to come across. It pays off to wake up at 6am for Queensday. I found a Chanel watch from the 1980s for only 10 Euros. This was last year's best find of Queensday, the cellebration of our Queen's birthday. On this day everyone goes out on the streets to sell their old things on a blanket. What a giant fleemarket has to do with the Queen's birthday? I have no Idea. But, it is paradise if you like to buy 1 euro vintage and secondhand jewellery, furniture, clothing or shoes. This year my best buy was this knitted sweater in a superb pastel color for only ONE euro. I've worn it every day without exception since I bought it and even went to bed with it twice.
A shiny golden chain with a black ribbon through it catches my eye from meters away. I hurry through the crowd and carefully grab the little chain, what appears to be a watch out of an old tin jewellerybox. The watch feels heavyer and is more beautiful than I had ever expected to come across. It pays off to wake up at 6am for Queensday. I found a Chanel watch from the 1980s for only 10 Euros. This was last year's best find of Queensday, the cellebration of our Queen's birthday. On this day everyone goes out on the streets to sell their old things on a blanket. What a giant fleemarket has to do with the Queen's birthday? I have no Idea. But, it is paradise if you like to buy 1 euro vintage and secondhand jewellery, furniture, clothing or shoes. This year my best buy was this knitted sweater in a superb pastel color for only ONE euro. I've worn it every day without exception since I bought it and even went to bed with it twice.
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