A Christmas Blur. - Amazing Indonesia


Sunday 21 December 2014

A Christmas Blur.

My neighborhood. Pinch me.

I've been so busy the past few months I haven't really had time to think about the holidays. This is a good thing for a few reasons, one very big one being the fact I'm not heading back home for Christmas... when you're in the throws of setting up home a million miles away, things can get expensive, quick. (I'm looking at you apartment deposits!) So my parents and I discussed it and though the offered many times to foot the bill for a flight home, I couldn't justify them spending that kind of money for such a thing. It is, after all, one of the pitfalls of moving abroad, and I knew this before. But knowing their offer alone means the world.

Speaking of, so many of my wonderful friends all over Europe have invited me to their homes, and every offer has brought legit tears to my eyes. But I have decided this year will be one where I really learn to be comfortable on my own. I like to think of it as my own Pacific Crest Trail. ;)

So I'll spend the next few days cooking, eating, sleeping, reading, and catching up with my one true love, Netflix.

Plus, of course, finally catching up on some posts for this space! Hooray!

And, someday, when I'm up to my eyeballs in wrapping presents and baking and keeping track of my babes, I'll look back on this time and smile. Because this is only a chapter of a much bigger story. 

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