Hamburg is for lovers (and other happenings lately). - Amazing Indonesia


Sunday 2 November 2014

Hamburg is for lovers (and other happenings lately).

Hamburg, October 2014

I've been pretty quiet around here lately on account of having moved across the world again. Turns out such things keep you pretty busy. Oh how I've missed "busy".

The end of 2013 and the first half of 2014 were rough, to say the least. Remember my coming home from Munich and how it ripped me in half? I'm still on the mend, but recovery is everything.

It was in August when I was offered a job in Hamburg. I was over-the-moon. Still am. It's exactly what my heart was urging me to do; return to Germany. 

And Hamburg is a hop, skip, and a jump from my old stomping grounds of my old au pair days. My host mom from that time, turned surrogate big sister, turned great confidant keeps reminding me that it was Schicksal (fate). I trust this. I truly do.

So for the past month I had been searching for an apartment and picking up from where we left off when I left my Eckernfoerde family. 

My heart and soul and hope needed this happenstance more than anyone could possibly understand. 

Of course I miss my family. Heaps. In fact, after a left my brother and sister-in-law welcomed their first baby, a Miss Eleanor Constance, and just last week my sister Katie and brother-in-law added baby number three to their "Party of Four" with sweet baby Gwyneth Elizabeth. But my nephews are pretty Skype savvy, so I get a lot of messages reminding me that I'm away but still thought of. ;) 

But since I signed on my new apartment and have gotten a little more settled, I'll keep you all better updated. Promise. 

After all, there's so much more I've been meaning to write. 


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