So here's that, if you're into that sort of thing... I'm still working on the design/kinks, so please bear with me! (Naturally I've made a twitter for it, too: @RoyallyBlogging.)
March Madness is one of my very favorite times of the year. I'm a Jayhawk after all, we breathe basketball! I'm also a fan of Illinois because my cousin Jon is now playing for them. I was lucky enough to be able to tag along last minute to his game last weekend, where he made the winning 3-point shot. No biggie. It runs in the family. ;) He was even .gif'd! And you can see us all cheering him on in the background. So I guess, in a way, I've been .gif'd, too. Checking that off the bucket list right now. Way to go Jon! We're cheering you on this week during your tournament!
I also got to snuggle on baby Elliott during the game. She didn't make a peep the entire game (or trip!). You guys, she's pretty much perfect.

I've been rewatching The Office and just got to when Pam and Jim finally get together. They give me hope. And so do Dwight and Angela's relationship. And Michael and Holly. I hope the saying "the right people end up together in the end" is true, because that's really all that's keeping my heart hoping these days. Love's hard.
❝ If I am lost, it’s only for a little while.
— (via brotherstories)
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