B E A U T Y / NYE Hair: Slicked Back Glitter - Amazing Indonesia


Friday, 20 December 2013

B E A U T Y / NYE Hair: Slicked Back Glitter

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 photo loveaestheticsglittah00.jpg

This is what I'm planning to do with my hair on the last night of 2013 to celebrate and say goodbye to this fantastic year. It's still unsure what I'll be wearing on NYE, but I can already foresee that it will be something basic and plain. Instead of adding accessories, I like to experiment with cosmetics instead. Doesn't mean it requires much time (if only we had more time), special skill or many products; just one simple, radical plan; like covering every single hair in sparkles! I love to put tacky, cheap things in a different context.

Here's what I did
1/ Apply a big blob of gel on your finger tips and run it through the roots of your hair. Repeat until the front and top part of your hair are looking evenly 'wet'.
2/ Comb your hair to the back, distributing the gel even more.
3/ With a soft brush smooth out the hair from front to back with long strokes and put it into a low ponytail.
4/ Let it dry for a couple of minutes.
5/ Take out the hair tie. I love how the low ponytail creates a wave in the back and gives this hairdo a lot of shape. But you could also straighten it out at this point.
6/ The party you've been waiting for. Spray the glitter all over!

It was close to impossible to capture the millions of sparkles in a photograph, some of it became visible with a flash. But trust me, this is something that must be tried and seen in real life, I'm not exaggerating when I tell you it is about ten times more sparkly.
soft brush
a bit of gel
hair tie
glitter hair spray

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