Moving onward and upward. - Amazing Indonesia


Friday 13 September 2013

Moving onward and upward.

Munich. 9/10/2013

The past three months have been filled with lesson after lesson. I have become quite good at embracing disappointments (even the ones that devastate) and I'm beyond proud of how I have, in a way, gotten my Munich back. I have cooked nearly everyday and have run around Munich by myself and have felt apart of it. Had I not come back I fear I would have had a bitter view of Munich, only because of the way things were left when I left at the end of April.

I found an apartment all on my own (which is a feat in Munich) and managed to find (even more) friends I know I will cherish a lifetime.

Most notably, I have come back from a blow from which I was convinced I would never recover. (That makes that no.2 for 2013...)

But I have, and still am, recovering. Setting my pride aside is one of the biggest challenges I have faced. I white-knuckled giving that puppy up. I wrestled and wrangled and finally admitted defeat.

Some of my dreams have been delayed... they have shifted in shape. I am coming to terms with this revelation.

In the meantime, I will be heading back to the States at the end of this month. I am soaking up the last days of SingStar with my roommates and savoring the Bavarian way of life. After all, I've been here a year as of September 17 (minus two months back home).

My big brother and his wife will visit for a week so that I can share with them the beauty of this place that I will forever consider a home away from home.

Oh this life thing, it's all about growing and acceptance. Of this I am sure.

(Also, I had a job interview for a job back in Kansas City! Fingers crossed!)

I want to get more comfortable being uncomfortable. I want to get more confident being uncertain. I don’t want to shrink back just because something isn’t easy. I want to push back, and make more room in the area between I can’t and I can.  Kristin Armstrong

I am learning every day to allow the space between where I am and where I want to be to inspire me and not terrify me. — Tracee Ellis Ross

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