Do you feel like you're running a non-profit network marketing business? If you currently have or have the feeling that in the past, it's probably not your fault. 70% of network marketers out of the game or not in the same company in 9 months! Now, it's a very disturbing fact, is not it?
I thought the exact same thing when one of my mentors, who have been in this industry for over 20 years told me. Most
people are bouncing around to different companies in finding the
perfect situation that consists of a perfect company, perfect product
and compensation plan is perfect.
people spend years to continue this process until finally they come to
the realization that their only common denominator in any company they
go. If the company is still in business and the people are above comp. plan and make big bucks, it's probably not the company (Hint Hint).
for us both, when I started in this industry I am so excited to realize
the dream life that I have in my mind, I was totally immersed myself in
being a student of the industry, buying all the programs I could get my
hands everywhere and
attend webinars and live events that I could possibly get, and begin to
"fail forward" as quickly as I could so that it can be in a position to
share the wisdom that I picked up with people who came after me and
even some who came before me.
all the coaching, training, webinars and live events I could sit down
and synthesize all the information and collect the 7 Secrets of
Successful Marketing Network Performance High that I wish I would have
known when I first filled my representative registration form and here
they are ... ...7 High Performance Network Marketing Success Secrets
High-Performance Network Marketing Success Secret # 1
First and foremost, you must draw a line in the sand and burned all the bridges. Do not take the statement "Burn All Bridges" in the wrong way. It just means that you will be challenged to understand that the journey of entrepreneurship. And ask yourself, "If you turn around what was going back to?"High-Performance Network Marketing Success Secrets # 2
Starting life on the line. Do you ever make your minimum maximum. Learn how to become entrepreneurs by taking responsibility for holding themselves accountable. If you find it difficult to hold yourself accountable, I would highly recommend hiring a coach.
High-Performance Network Marketing Success Secrets # 3
Focus on what is most important! Do not "Major in The Minor." This
is a results-oriented business so that the focus time and energy on
Money Making Activities (MMA), the "Prospecting, Presenting &
Closing."High-Performance Network Marketing Success Secrets # 4
Power of Projection! Perception is Projection! Whatever your project on the screen at the prospect of your reality. If
you are in doubt and the scarcity of the project, the reality of your
prospects will be that you are not sure about what had happened and that
you are not making money.
"ACT AS IF!" What is your income goal? How big is your organization would like to build? Now answer this question .... "How would you act if you already have the income you want in the bank and have a great organization that works for you?" Whatever
your answer is to start acting like it's starting today and see how
your business is really only due to changes in your posture will
High-Performance Network Marketing Success Secrets # 5
Choose a Winner A & Put You On The Cover! Choosing a winner means choosing a leader in the industry who have achieved the results you want to achieve and the model. Not
saying, trying to become that person, but adopted some of their
successful habits and business models and add your unique personality to
it. "Success Leaves Clues!"
-FOCUS Follow One Course (or leader) Up to Success! Do not be stupid for "Shiny Object!"Performance of Network Marketing Success Secrets of High # 6
GO HARD, Chops bust you or anything you want to call it. But take MASSIVE ACTION creating MASSIVE MOMENTUM!
Performance of Network Marketing Success Secrets of High # 7
& Apply: To become a sponge and absorb all the information you can
from leaders who have achieved the success you want, and most
importantly ... ...
APPLY in the field. This goes back to take massive action! Most
people think that "Knowledge is Power," but the truth is that you do
not have to get it perfect "Applied Knowledge Is Power!", You just have
to get it going!
Always Remember, "Double Digits Per Day, Keep the Commission Checks On the Way!"
is my hope that you take what you learn today in an article on "High
Performance Network Marketing Success Secrets" and apply it immediately.
Friday, 2 December 2011
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