{Scotland} part five: a snowy, sparkling night in Glasgow. - Amazing Indonesia


Thursday 10 February 2011

{Scotland} part five: a snowy, sparkling night in Glasgow.

My time in Glasgow was so invigorating but far too short.
I loved the night I spent with a friend who showed me the hot spots & lead me around the windy streets of town. 
I loved that the Christmas decorations were still lit-up
& how it started snowing huge, beautiful flakes, as we walked back home.
I loved feeling completely mesmerized when we happened upon the merchant city
& seeing it covered in lights, building to building.
I'll forever remember those moments. 
But most of all, I'll remember how Glasgow made my heart beat again for the first time in so long - how London filled my stomach with butterflies I thought had flown away forever - & how happy I was that I took such a chance, spread my weak little wings & had the time of my life.  

And those weak little wings? They are stronger now- much stronger.


The human heart has a way of making itself large again
even after it’s been broken into a million pieces.

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